The elegant Hotel Belvedere enjoys a superb location in Conca dei Marini with dazzling coastal views. Guestrooms have been decorated to a high standard, with a sense of space created through high ceilings, whitewashed walls and tiled floors. The hotel also has a spacious lounge and panoramic restaurant, both of which are air-conditioned, where it is possible to savour excellent regional cooking and fresh seafood. You will be assisted by friendly, helpful staff who will suggest you excursions and activities. Amongst the marine pines, tranquil terraces lead from the hotel towards the azure Mediterranean, and the hotel's cliff side seawater swimming pool, reached by a private lift, is one of the largest on the coast and perfectly positioned to receive maximum sunshine. With it's prime location on the famed winding Amalfi Drive, the Hotel Belvedere sits just under 2,5 miles (4km) away from Amalfi, which can be reached by local bus or the hotel's minibus (payable locally).