You are here: Destination guidesTrekking & Hiking on the Amalfi CoastFrom Ravello to Minori (via Reghinna Minor Valley)

From Ravello to Minori (via Reghinna Minor Valley)

Written by sunland,
Thursday, February 10, 2011 5:28:23 PM

Leaving Piazza Duomo and taking the flight of steps up Villa Wagner you will come to the Principessa of Piemonte, the panoramic terrace situated between hotel Palumbo and Palazzo Sasso. Further along via Toro is Piazza San Giovanni del Toro, a small square which takes its name from the adjacent 11th century church. Proceeding from here along Via Margherita past the ruins of a church dedicated to the same saint and quaint courtyard of the Hotel Parsifal, once the convent of Sant'Agostino you reach Piazza Fontana with its Moorish Fountain. Keeping on walk on same direction you'll reach another square. Here stands the church of Santa Maria del Lacco and the two bastions that were part of the entrance gates to the city of Ravello. Leaving the church on the right, go along the wide stairway past the church of San Martino returning for a few yards in the direction of Ravello before deviating left towards the "Sambuco" area. This leads you passed the ruins of Santa Maria della Pomice, after which a right turning marks the beginning of the trail which leads along the Reghinna Minor torrent into Minori. The route winding through the wooded landscape passes the old paper mills and other factories which utilized the water power from the river.

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Last updated Monday, February 14, 2011 12:36:31 PM

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